Everyone is welcome,
nobody is perfect,
anything is possible!
To bring Heaven to our world through the love, truth, power and presence of Jesus
God first
The authority, power and presence of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is at the centre of everything we are and do. We live life in all its fullness, expressing Father God's exuberance, creativity and excellence and dedicated to fervent worship. Faith connects us to the supernatural power of Holy Spirit and enables us to partner with Jesus, living naturally supernatural lives.
God is good, and nothing can separate us from his unconditional love. This sets us free from insecurity and fear, enabling us to love and accept ourselves and empowering us to love others.
We believe the Bible is the inspired living word of God. We are disciples of Christ and his word and are on a journey to become more like Jesus. The Bible and the Holy Spirit continually reveal God's truth and life to us. We find joy in seeing the fruit that the word of God brings to our lives
Everyone is important and created in God's image. He has designed each one of us to play a unique and significant role in His kingdom. God paid humanity the supreme honour by becoming one of us, then He paid us an even greater honour in His death and resurrection. We look with the eyes of Jesus, valuing, honouring and empowering people to live in their heavenly identity as royal sons and daughters of God - to fulfil the destiny and purpose that He has for our lives.
We believe that everyone is free to be who God has created them to be. We encourage everyone to be teachable, to take responsibility for their personal growth and to understand that their actions impact both themselves and others. We learn from our mistakes and put things right if we mess up
Positive influence
God has called us to be a blessing, transforming our world into a better place. We are committed to positively influence our world, expressing God's love, grace, hope, goodness and joy to everyone we meet. We are a family where everyone is welcome to come and enjoy friendship, care, love, fun and practical support. We encourage everyone to encounter Holy Spirit for themselves as we lead them into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
We need to work together with others to reach our community for Jesus and to impact our world and bring Heaven to Earth. We pursue positively making connections with others within churches and the wider community. We share resources, knowledge and vision, to promote the Gospel and improve the quality of life of those living in our community.
Giving our best
God gives extravagantly to us. He gave His best for us. So, whether in our worship, service, thanksgiving or in the use of our energy, time, money and possessions, we believe in generously giving our best
Leadership Team
Ant carter
Ant looks after the worship within the church and really values joining together with others to praise and worship. He loves being married to Emily and being a father to their 2 boys.
One of Ant’s aims is to love the church and the wider community with a “love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith” (1 Tim 1:5 ESV).
Emily Carter
Emily joined Pulse with her husband Ant and two young sons Ted and Ben in 2018. Emily oversees the Prayer and Prophetic elements of church life. She also enjoys encouraging young mums in the church and facilitates Sunday morning meetings. Emily loves Jesus, reading, music and her family.
Tim Skinner
Tim is married to Hannah and together they have 4 children.
Tim is zealous to see the church being excellent representatives of our loving God in every aspect of life and to see the wisdom, love and power of Jesus impacting business, commerce and local government.
Tim enjoys thrilling rides and rollercoasters and relaxing with his family and friends.